I know I’m not alone in this, but the past few years have been pretty rough for me.

Sure, some things have gone well. I’ve got a loving wife (who’s a superhero) and three healthy children. I’ve got a new career (as a software developer) that I very much enjoy. We’ve got a roof over our heads. I make more money now than I ever have.

But, overall, I definitely feel less focused and energized than I used to.

Do I have a sure solution or a grand commitment to make? No.

But I decided that I can at least start blogging about turning things around. I can write about my experiences as I try to get back into the personal development saddle.

As a first step, I need to get a better grip of everything I’ve got “in flight” at the moment. I’ve got far too many things bouncing around in my head, and I need to get them down on paper and/or a digital system to manage them.

So I’ve dusted-off my copy of Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity by David Allen. And I’ve started a “brain dump” in my main notebook (a Bullet Journal-like combination of journaling, to-dos, and notes).

Any other crestfallen personal development/productivity junkies out there? Let me know how it’s going!