(Note: Read more about my work on Barth, Bonhoeffer, and the Bible here.)

I’m really looking forward to reading these two Barth (and Bonhoeffer) books coming out from Baker in 2019:

  1. Freedom under the Word: Karl Barth’s Theological Exegesis. Edited by Ben Rhodes and Martin Westerholm.
  2. Karl Barth and Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Theologians for a Post-Christian World. By Wolf Krötke. Translated by John P. Burgess.

Freedom under the Word (May 2019)

According to Baker:

In Freedom under the Word, top-tier scholars offer critical engagements with Karl Barth’s exegesis of Christian Scripture and explore its implications for contemporary hermeneutics and biblical interpretation. Focusing on rare texts from the Barth corpus, this volume considers the legacy and potential of Barth’s theology by presenting a wide-ranging engagement with and assessment of Barth’s theological exegesis. The book covers Barth’s career chronologically, providing insight into his theological development as it relates to Scripture. Freedom under the Word will benefit professors and students of theology, biblical interpretation, and the theological interpretation of Scripture as well as Barth scholars.

Here are the contents:

Introduction Ben Rhodes and Martin Westerholm

Part 1: Barth’s Theology of Scripture

  • Barth’s Theology of Scripture in Developmental Perspective Martin Westerholm
  • Barth’s Theology of Scripture in Dogmatic Perspective Ben Rhodes

Part 2: Barth’s Early Exegesis

  • Rewriting Romans: Theology and Exegesis in Barth’s Early Commentaries Francis Watson
  • “A Relation beyond All Relations”: God and Creatures in Barth’s Lectures on Ephesians, 1921-22 John Webster
  • The Call to Repentance Is the Call of the Gospel: Barth, the Epistle of James, and Moral Theology Carsten Card-Hyatt

Part 3: Barth’s Doctrine of God in Exegetical Perspective

  • The Logos Is Jesus Christ: Karl Barth on the Johannine Prologue Wesley Hill
  • Karl Barth on Ephesians 1:4 Stephen Fowl
  • Karl Barth and Isaiah’s Figural Hope Mark Gignilliat
  • Israel and the Church: Barth’s Exegesis of Romans 9-11 Susannah Ticciati

Part 4: Barth’s Doctrine of Creation in Exegetical Perspective

  • Creation and Covenant: Karl Barth’s Exegesis of Genesis 2:8-17 Andrew B. Torrance
  • Barth on God’s Graciousness toward Humanity in Genesis 1-2 Christina N. Larsen
  • “Worthy Is the Lamb”: Karl Barth’s Exegesis of Revelation 4-5 Christopher Green

Part 5: Barth’s Doctrine of Reconciliation in Exegetical Perspective

  • Barth on Christ and Adam Grant Macaskill
  • “We, Too, Are in Advent”: Barth’s Theological Exegesis of Hebrews 11 R. David Nelson
  • The Compassion of Jesus for the Crowds Paul T. Nimmo

Karl Barth and Dietrich Bonhoeffer (August 2019)

Again, according to Baker:

Wolf Krötke, acclaimed as a foremost interpreter of the theologies of Karl Barth and Dietrich Bonhoeffer, demonstrates the continuing significance of these two theologians for Christian faith and life. This book enables readers to look with fresh eyes at the theologies of Barth and Bonhoeffer and offers new insights for reading the history of modern theology. It also helps churches see how they can be creative minorities in societies that have forgotten God.

Translated by a senior American scholar of Christian theology and an accomplished translator, this is the first major translation of Krötke’s work in the English language. The book is necessary reading for those studying Barth, Bonhoeffer, and other developments in modern German dogmatics.

Here are the contents:

Foreword by George Hunsinger

Part 1: Karl Barth

  • Karl Barth as Theological Conversation Partner: Personal Experiences between East and West, and the Challenges of Barth’s Theology (2013)
  • Karl Barth: Humanity and Religion (1981)
  • God and Humans as Partners: On the Significance of a Central Category in Karl Barth’s Church Dogmatics (1986)
  • Barth’s Christology as Exemplary Exegesis (1996)
  • “The Sum of the Gospel”: Karl Barth’s Doctrine of Election in the Church Dogmatics (2010)
  • “Man as Soul of His Body”: Notes on the Anthropological Foundations of Pastoral Care in Karl Barth’s Theology (2003)
  • Theology and Resistance in Karl Barth’s Thinking: A Systematic-Theological Account (2005)
  • The Church as “Provisional Representation” of the Whole World Reconciled in Christ: The Foundations of Karl Barth’s Ecclesiology (2006)

Part 2: Dietrich Bonhoeffer

  • The Meaning of God’s Mystery for Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Understanding of the Religions and “Religionlessness” (1984)
  • “Sharing in God’s Suffering”: Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Understanding of a “Religionless Christianity” (1989)
  • Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Understanding of God (2006)
  • Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Exegesis of the Psalms (2012)
  • “God’s Hand and Guidance”: Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Language for God in a Time of Resistance (2003)
  • Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Understanding of His Resistance: The Risk of Freedom and Guilt (2009)
  • Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Understanding of the State: Theological Grounds, Practical Consequences, and Interpretation in East and West (2013)
  • Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s “Nonreligious Interpretation of Biblical Concepts” and the Current Missionary Challenge of the Church (2007)

Appendix: “I Refuse to Let Anyone Else Share What Belongs to You Alone”: Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Letters to Maria von Wedemeyer from the Time of Their Engagement (2011)