The Guilt of Karl Barth: Strengths and Weaknesses of Barth’s Römerbrief Reading of Romans 9:30–10:21

UPDATE: Here is the paper that I gave at the 2019 Karl Barth Graduate Student Colloquium at the Center for Barth Studies at Princeton Theological Seminary. INTRODUCTION: “GENTILES” = “WORLD” IS WORSE THAN “ISRAEL” = “CHURCH” On at least one level, Karl Barth’s Römerbrief reading of Romans 9–11 is supersessionist. In general, especially in the second edition, when Paul refers to “Israel” in Romans 9–11, Barth refers to the “Church.”[1] He replaces Israel with the Church....

August 8, 2019 · 23 min · joshuapsteele

I think Karl Barth missed the (pastoral) point of Romans

I’m scheduled to give a paper on Karl Barth’s reading of Romans 9:30–10:21 in Der Römerbrief at the 2019 Barth Graduate Student Colloquium at Princeton in August. Now, of course, it’s a pleasure and a privilege to give a paper at the colloquium. However, in hindsight, I don’t know why I thought giving a paper on chapter 10 of Barth’s Römerbrief was a good idea! Granted, I don’t have to solve all of the exegetical issues (of which there are many) in Romans 9:30–10:21....

July 31, 2019 · 17 min · joshuapsteele

The Tree of Religion: Karl Barth and Dietrich Bonhoeffer on the Tree of Knowledge in Genesis 2:4–3:24

(Here’s a PDF of this paper: STEELE_The Tree of Religion Barth and Bonhoeffer on the Tree of Knowledge.) Introduction The precise meaning of the “tree of the knowledge of good and evil” (=TK) has long vexed interpreters of Genesis 2:4–3:24.[1] While the “tree of life” (=TL) is mentioned and alluded to throughout the Bible, the TK is explicitly mentioned by its full name just twice (Gen. 2:9, 17).[2] Nevertheless, because of the significant role that the TK plays in the narrative, both Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Karl Barth highlight the TK in their theological interpretations of Genesis 1–3....

May 7, 2019 · 38 min · joshuapsteele

Into the Far Country

Jesus Christ has gone into the far country in our stead, to bring us home to God!

April 20, 2019 · 1 min · joshuapsteele

Theology is exegesis: John Webster on what we can learn from Barth and Bonhoeffer

John Webster’s essay, “Reading the Bible: The Example of Barth and Bonhoeffer” (pages 87–110 in Word and Church: Essays in Christian Dogmatics [Edinburgh; New York: T&T Clark, 2001]) is, in large part, the inspiration for my doctoral dissertation. I’d like to share the three reflections/lessons Webster draws from the biblical work of Barth and Bonhoeffer. Wrapping up his essay, Webster claims that Neither Bonhoeffer nor Barth were wissenschaftlich theologians; both were practical or pastoral theologians of the church of Jesus Christ....

March 3, 2019 · 3 min · joshuapsteele

Barth, the Bible, and "What we ought to do"

Came across this Barth quote in Church Dogmatics II/2 this morning. I really like it, because it’s a good reminder that Barth valued the Bible. His distinction between the Bible as witness to the Word of God and Jesus Christ as the Word of God did not cause him to abandon the Scriptural witness. It is as well to remind ourselves, at the conclusion of this analysis, that the question: What ought we to do?...

January 29, 2019 · 2 min · joshuapsteele

Karl Barth’s Gesamtausgabe (“Complete/Collected Edition”): A List of Works

Note that, as of 2019-01-26, 54 volumes of the Gesamtausgabe have been published. Unfortunately, only the first 45 of these are available in the Digital Karl Barth Library. *I’ve marked volumes unavailable in the DKBL with an asterisk. According to the publisher, TVZ: Seit 1971 sind im Theologischen Verlag Zürich mehr als 50 Bände der Karl Barth-Gesamtausgabe erschienen. In ihr werden Barths Texte kritisch ediert und so präsentiert, dass sie für die wissenschaftliche Beschäftigung, aber auch für einen grösseren Interessentenkreis lesbar und zugänglich werden....

January 26, 2019 · 4 min · joshuapsteele

A List of Karl Barth's Sermons

To make this list, I’ve used the data available in the Digital Karl Barth Library. I’ve just taken the tables of contents in the sermon volumes of Barth’s collected works and put them all in one place. The only way to display the dates correctly in Markdown is to write these up as code blocks, as I’ve done below. Predigten 1913 (GA I.8) 1. und 5. Januar (Neujahr): Prediger 1,9 12....

January 26, 2019 · 15 min · joshuapsteele

Spirit, Flesh, Restoration, and Sublimation

There’s an intriguing passage in Bonhoeffer’s Letters and Papers from Prison where he discusses the relationship between “spirit” and “flesh,” in the context of discussing “restoration” and “sublimation,” in the context of discussing lyrics from certain hymns and songs that were meaningful to him in prison. Here it is, from a December 19, 1943 (the Fourth Sunday of Advent) letter to Eberhard Bethge: In recent weeks this line has been running through my head over and over: “Calm your hearts, dear friends; / whatever plagues you, / whatever fails you, / I will restore it all....

January 22, 2019 · 3 min · joshuapsteele

Barth and Bonhoeffer on Religion's False God(s)

In The Epistle to the Romans, Barth writes the following concerning the false image of God at the heart of religion: What men on this side resurrection name ‘God’ is most characteristically not God. Their ‘God’ does not redeem his creation, but allows free course to the unrighteousness of men; does not declare himself to be God, but is the complete affirmation of the course of the world and of men as it is....

January 18, 2019 · 3 min · joshuapsteele