Home Improvement Roadmap and Roadblocks

We bought our first house in late 2023 and, since moving-in in January 2024, I’ve been chipping away at home improvement projects. Since I’m a software engineer and spend my day in front of a screen, I enjoy working with tools as a change of pace. Now, some upcoming projects will clearly outstrip my capabilities and I plan to hire professionals: – Replace roof and gutters – Replace furnace and central air conditioning...

July 14, 2024 · 3 min · joshuapsteele

The Problem of Ecclesiastical Evil

You’ve probably heard of “the problem of evil” (if not, here’s an overview). But there’s a specific version/aspect of it that I find even more devastating. If God is omnipotent (all-powerful), ommniscient (all-knowing(, and omnibenevolent (completely good)… If the Church is God’s main plan for the redemption of humanity and the cosmos (consider the “body of Christ” paradigm in the New Testament)… If the gospel of Jesus Christ has had ~2K years to percolate in and through the Church…...

March 8, 2024 · 4 min · joshuapsteele

Back in the Saddle

I know I’m not alone in this, but the past few years have been pretty rough for me. I’ve gained at least 50 pounds. I had a fun part-time gig as a managing editor come to an end. I’ve come to terms with some long-term depression and anxiety. I had a job offer ripped out from under me. I hit pause on and eventually dropped out of my Ph.D. program. I’ve resigned from ordained ministry in the ACNA, my previous denomination....

March 7, 2024 · 2 min · joshuapsteele

Truth to Power

Mark 6:13-29. John the Baptist lost his life for speaking truth to power. Are we willing to speak truth to power? To tell the truth about power and the power of truth? Or will we abandon the truth to obtain and maintain power?

March 6, 2024 · 1 min · joshuapsteele